About Abbie

Meet Dr. Abigail L. Rosenthal, Professor Emerita of Philosophy at Brooklyn College, City University of New York. A Pulitzer Prize nominee and author of A Good Look at Evil, Dear Abbie: The Non-Advice Column, and voice of Dear Abbie: The Non-Advice Podcast.

Dear Abbie: The Non-Advice Podcast Playlist

Dear Abbie: The Non-Advice Column and Podcast gather around a virtual café table to engage in meaningful conversations. Dear Abbie explores what it truly means to be an active player in humanity as a whole, live out a meaningful story, and examine the diverse aspects of women’s lives, passionately believing in the depth and richness of their stories.

Experience the enchanting narrations from Dear Abbie: The Non-Advice Podcast, enhanced with captivating visual storytelling elements and musical accompaniments.

God and the Care for One’s Story Playlist

Join Abigail L Rosenthal for the profound insights based on her chapter, “God and the Care for One’s Story,” from the Pulitzer-nominated book A Good Look at Evil.

This 7-part series enhances Abigail’s enlightening talk with captivating music and illustrative videos, offering a deeper understanding of how our real-life narratives intertwine with timeless biblical stories. Explore the concept of Providence in our journey to maintain our true selves with a care for our story.

A Good Look at Evil

Abigail L Rosenthal, Professor of Philosophy Emerita at Brooklyn College of The City University of New York, talks about her newly reissued, expanded, Pulitzer-nominated book, A Good Look at Evil. We meet with evil in the ordinary course of experience, as we try to live our life stories. It’s not a myth. It’s a mysterious but quite real phenomenon.

Abigail Unrehearsed

Getting real with Abigail L. Rosenthal and Jessica Cortes about the forthcoming Confessions of a Young Philosopher.

God and the Care for One’s Story Full Temple Talk

Abigail L Rosenthal, Professor of Philosophy Emerita at Brooklyn College of The City University of New York gives a talk based on new chapter, “God and the Care for One’s Story” from A Good Look at Evil, her recently reissued, Pulitzer-nominated book. Our lives are nonfiction stories that resemble stories in the Bible, where Providence still plays a part in our struggles to remain who we really are.

Dear Abbie: The Non-Advice Column | Insights

The Color of the Sky | Insights
The Big Picture | Insights
Remembrances | Insights
Book Matters | Insights
From the Horse’s Mouth | Insights
Getting A Grip | Insights
Book Matters | Insights

To view more videos and insights from Dear Abbie: The Non-Advice Column visit: